Timmers, R. (2002). Context afhankelijke regels voor expressie [Context dependent rules for expression]. Piano Buletin, 20(2), 50-55.


Within psycholinguistics, principles of speech production and perception have been thoroughly investigated and broadly uncovered. In perceiving language, the deep structure of a sentence is generated from the perception of the surface structure, while in speech production a sentence is generated from a deep structure. Analogous to this, an important aim of music psychological research has been to uncover the rules that underlie the perception and production of music. The rules for perception are the interpretation schemata with which incoming sounds are interpreted (see for example Lerdahl & Jackendoff, 1983). For production, they are the principles underlying the generation of a musical performance. In this article, I will address the rules that are found for the performance of music and explain research that has investigated the extent to which it is possible for rules and diversity to coexist. After all, musicians will be conventional as well as idiosyncratic.

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