Overview EmCAP Project
EmCAP (Emergent Cognition through Active Perception) is a research project in the field of Music Cognition funded by the European Commission (FP6-IST, contract 013123) that involves a consortium by Dr Sue Denham, Prof Mike Denham and Dr Eduardo Miranda (University of Plymouth), Dr Henkjan Honing (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation), Prof Istvan Winkler (Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and Prof Gustavo Deco and Prof Xavier Serra (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Music Technology Group & Computational Neuroscience Group).
  • Aim: To investigate emergence of cognition and the development of effective representations through interactions with an environment.
  • Hypothesis: Perception is an active process, which involves making predictions; the need for making better predictions drives the formation of useful representations and a cognitive hierarchy.
  • Music: We propose to explore these ideas within the world of music. Music is universal. It contains temporally extended yet predictable patterns; it is governed by stylistic rules or conventions, and perception evolves in time.
The project started in October 2005 and finished September 2008.

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