SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS SHOES NEWS Third issue of the SHOES NEWS, June 1994. THE ICMC SPECIAL FOOT-TAPPING SESSION ICMC's paper chair Steffen Brandorff did a great job in finding support for this topic in the form of time and space in the ICMC program. The result is a special chapter in the proceedings and a 80 minute special session dedicated to "foot-tapping". The papers that were accepted by the ICMC paper committee are: Richard Parncutt, McGill University, CANADA A Model of Beat Induction Accounting for Perceptual Ambiguity by Continuously Variable Parameters Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing, NICI, Nijmegen/University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS Rule-based models of initial beat induction and an analysis of their behavior Ed Large, Ohio State University, USA The Resonant Dynamics of Beat Tracking and Meter Perception David Rosenthal, Masataka Goto and Yoichi Muraoka, International Media Research Foundation, JAPAN Rhythm Tracking Using Multiple Hypotheses Neil P. McAngus Todd, University of Sheffield, ENGLAND An auditory model of rhythm perception Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing, NICI, Nijmegen/University of Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS Advanced issues in beat induction modeling: syncopation and expressive timing We think it will be an exciting session. The mechanical shoe has had its first testruns during our visit to CCRMA and we will continue implementing new models to control it. Below are the ICMC paper abstracts submitted by the authors as contributions to this newsletter and the full list of references (from previous newsletters, plus new ones including the references referred to in the ICMC papers). The next SHOES NEWS will be about test sets for beat induction models and can be expected in the beginning of August. SHOES NEWS contributions, requests and questions can be sent to THE ABSTRACTS Title : Rhythm Tracking Using Multiple Hypotheses Authors : David Rosenthal, Masataka Goto and Yoichi Muraoka We briefly describe two different rhythm-tracking systems, called, respectively, Machine Rhythm and BTS. Given a MIDI stream as input, Machine Rhythm produces an interpretation that is essentially isomorphic to the rhythmic information represented in normal musical notation. The output of the program defines the placement of measures and assigns rhythmic values (half-note beats, quarter-note beats, etc.) to each note. Although Machine Rhythm is not a real-time system, it processes the MIDI information sequentially, paving the way for possible future real- time implementations. The program attempts to handle some of the more sophisticated rhythm-tracking operations of which humans are capable, such as changes from duple to triple meter or changes in tempo. BTS tracks beats using raw audio signals as input -- in general, a much more difficult problem than tracking it from MIDI data. BTS accomplishes this task by leveraging the fact that for a large corpus of music -- rock and pop songs -- the beat is indicated with some reliability by the bass and snare drums. The fact that BTS does not rely on MIDI data enables it to handle a broad range of multimedia applications for which MIDI-based beat-tracking programs cannot be used, and the fact that it works in real time enables its application in a variety of live performance situations. Although the two systems differ in a number of respects, the systems use a similar strategy for managing uncertain or noisy input data -- namely, the strategy of pursuing multiple hypotheses. Title : A model of beat induction accounting for perceptual ambiguity by continuously variable parameters Author : Richard Parncutt A number of influential models of rhythmic pulse perception (e.g., Povel & Essens, 1985; Longuet-Higgins & Lee, 1982) have been based on discrete variables and yes-no decisions. In the present paper, a quantitative model of rhythm perception will be outlined in which all perceptual variables are assumed a priori to be continuous, helping the model to account in a realistic way for observed ambiguities and multiplicities in rhythmic responses. Each continuous variable in the model is initially understood as a probability - an estimate of the likelihood that an "average" listener will notice or become aware of a given rhythmic percept or structure. In cases of multiple concurrent percepts, continuous variables reflect the relative perceptual importances of the percepts. Continuous variables in the model include the phenomenal accent of individual sound events, and the likelihood of specific foot- tapping responses. The latter are called the "salience of pulse sensations" or the "strength of rhythmic levels." Pulse saliences, which are strongest in the vicinity of a moderate tempo of approximately 100 foot-taps per minute, are derived from the phenomenal accents by a pattern-matching procedure. Phenomenal accents, in turn, are enhanced (again, by continuously variable functions) if they occur either near the start of the rhythm (primacy effect) or just before the time of observation (recency effect). The relative strength of metrical accents, and the relative likelihood of the perception of specific meters (3/4, 4/4, etc.), are derived directly from pulse saliences. Foot-tapping responses may be determined either by pulse or by meter saliences. The relative importance of pulse and meter for foot- tapping appears to depend on a combination of musical style and the musical sophistication of the foot-tapper. Title : The Resonant Dynamics of Beat Tracking and Meter Perception Author : Ed Large One of the basic processes that affords the perception of metrical structure is the ability to perceive and follow the beat of a piece of music. The apparent simplicity of this behavior, however, masks a notoriously complex aspect of the human response to musical rhythm. Computer simulation of human "beat-tracking" behavior has proved exceedingly difficult. Many of the problems for computer simulation stem from the fact that musicians never perform rhythms in a perfectly regular, or mechanical, fashion. Performers produce sound patterns that reveal both intentional and unintentional timing variability. While such timing variability rarely poses difficulty for human performers and listeners, it seems that once a computer program loses the beat, recovery is nearly impossible. This paper presents a new model of human beat-tracking behavior as a dynamic process in which the temporal organization of external musical events synchronizes, or entrains, a set of non-linearly coupled oscillators. I analyze the behavior of this model using geometric techniques, and demonstrate the model's ability to follow real musical performances in the face of timing variability. Implications for the categorical perception of temporal intervals and the perception of metrical structure are discussed. Title : An auditory model of rhythm perception Author : Neil P. McAngus Todd Title : Rule-based models of initial beat induction and an analysis of their behavior Author : Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing In this paper a family of rule-based beat induction models is described (Longuet-Higgins & Lee, 1982; Lee, 1985; Longuet-Higgins, 1994), and introduces a new analysis method that goes beyond evaluating the models on a small set of carefully chosen musical examples. Title : Advanced issues in beat induction modeling: syncopation and expressive timing Author : Peter Desain and Henkjan Honing This paper presents a theory of beat induction based on the notion of expectancy. It focuses on important characteristics of beat induction that seem to be elegantly captured by the model: the possibility of syncopation and the dependency of the induced beat on global tempo and expressive timing. THE REFERENCES Allen, P. & R. Dannenberg (1990) Tracking musical beats in real time. Proceedings of the 1990 ICMC, 140-143. Bamberger, J. (1980) Cognitive structuring in the apprehension of simple rhythms. Archives de Psychologie, 48:171-199. Boulanger, R. (1990) Conducting the MIDI Orchestra, Part 1: Interviews with Max Mathews, Barry Vercoe and Roger Dannenberg. Computer Music Journal, 14(2). Bregman, A. (1990) Auditory Scene Analysis. The MIT Press, Cambridge. Brown, J.C. (1993) Determination of meter of musical scores by autocorrelation. J. Acoust. Soc. 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