Last modified 27 Feb 2025

MCG Meetings and more...

This page is for members of the Music Cognition Group.

MCG Meetings in 2024/25

In the Academic Year 2024/25 there will again be a relatively strict meeting schedule. See detailed information and instructions below.

For the MCG’s shared Agenda see Google.

Foreseen time slots

Weekly group meetings are on Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 (at LAB42 and via Zoom):

  • 1st week: Lab meeting for all at LAB42 (Contact HH)
  • 2nd week: Research meeting at LAB42 (Contact PA when you would like to present)
  • 3rd week: Reading meeting at Humanities Labs (Contact Jiaxin Li for reading suggestions)
  • 4th week: Occasionally a ‘How to?’ meeting where we discuss how to do things at LAB42 (Feel free to suggest topics to PA)

Other meetings with HH are:

  • Bi-weekly meetings with PhD students
  • Monthly meetings with Postdocs
  • Occasionally, special meetings will be arranged during the week

Public Agenda MCG (incl. HHs agenda)

Virtually all meetings will be held at LAB42 (Science Park). However, once a month we meet down town at the Humanities labs.

How to make an appointment

Before you propose a slot please, first check the agenda above. Or even better, make it the last agenda point in every meeting we have: i.e. set the next meeting as part of the routine. If changes in the agenda have to be made, please contact the PA.

Simple things to help make life easier and more effective for everyone involved:

First have a look at HHs agenda (see above). Then propose one (or two) slots by sending an email to the PA w/ a short description of its topic/purpose.

Please only use the PA’s email address, not Teams chat, other email addresses, or in person communication. You will receive a reservation (within one or two days) in the form of an invite from Google Agenda. Finally, please ‘Accept’ this invite.

In the MCG-agenda (see above) you can see all MCG-related activities for which you will not receive an individual invitation.

Before the meeting

Before the meeting: Make sure to share an agenda on Teams containing a list of questions, things to talk about, etc. N.B. If you want comments on a manuscript or chapter of a thesis, please upload it two weeks in advance.

After the meeting

Directly after the meeting: Make sure to add a summary of the Decisions and Actions (each in a seperate column) on Teams.

N.B. Make this one single document, covering all our meetings, with the most recent agenda / D&A-list at the top. This to document what we agreed upon (Decisions) and what needs to be done (Actions).

These meetings are two-way traffic: To facilitate this, feel free to elaborate in the agenda’ notes on your current research activities, document reading activities, theoretical advances, experimental work and results, etc; There are plenty of knowledgeable people around you in the institute. Communicate with them as well.

Finally, for pressing and/or personal questions you can always contact HH via email or Teams, and he will respond promptly.

For all other questions related to MCG, see the F.A.Q page or contact the PA.

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