Last modified 13 Jul 2024


The latest news from to the Music Cognition Group.


Do you know a parrot that talks or sings?
13 Jul 2024
Workshop on the Evolution of Musicality
22 Mar 2024
Lecture by prof. Aniruddh D. Patel
16 Mar 2024
Heb jij ritmegevoel? [with subtitles]
10 Mar 2024
Scientific American: It turns out we were born to groove
14 Jan 2024


New study out today: Newborn babies have a natural affinity for ‘the beat’.
27 Nov 2023
Lecture by dr Vincent Lostanlen
13 Nov 2023
New study on the possible origins of music
6 Nov 2023
Interested in contributing to our web-based music science platform?
13 Oct 2023
ABC Colloquium with dr Samuel Mehr
5 Sep 2023
Keynote by dr Adam Rutherford
5 Sep 2023
TuneTwins: A fun game testing your musical memory!
25 Jul 2023
New website of MCG is now online!
5 Jul 2023


Interested in becoming Assistent Professor in Generative AI in Amsterdam?
17 Nov 2022
Can you do better than a songbird?
17 Nov 2022
Precursors of music and language in animals
15 Apr 2022
Big Biology Podcast "Beasty Beats: The Origins of Musicality"
21 Jan 2022
Why do we value music so much; Are there biological or social explanations for this?
3 Jan 2022


Preliminary announcement: MUSic-related Citizen Science Listening Experiments (MUSCLE)
26 Nov 2021
Interested in a 4 year PhD in Amsterdam?
3 Oct 2021
Interested in a 3 year Postdoc in Amsterdam?
3 Oct 2021
Music Cognition: The Basics -- Out Now!
26 Sep 2021
Want to be an intern at MCG in 2021/22?
15 Sep 2021
Now online: Theme Issue on "Synchrony and rhythm interaction: from the brain to behavioural ecology"
23 Aug 2021
Wetenschapsbijlage Volkskrant: Cheesecake voor de oren? [Dutch]
12 Jul 2021
Toekenning NWO: Het ontrafelen van onze capaciteit voor muziek
5 May 2021
Granted by NWO: Unravelling our capacity for music
5 May 2021
Music Cognition: The Basics [book in press]
9 Apr 2021
Why Darwin was only partially wrong? (BBC Earth Podcast)
30 Mar 2021
2021 ABC Summer School on Musicality
27 Mar 2021
Interested in doing a Minor Music. Culture, Cognition in Amsterdam?
24 Mar 2021
Interested in doing a Master in Amsterdam?
5 Feb 2021
Where Did Music Come From? Here Are the Leading Theories.
29 Jan 2021


You can now preregister for the 2021 ABC Summer School on Musicality
18 Dec 2020
Interested in a research masters course on Music Cognition?
15 Nov 2020
Vacature: Web Programmeur (0,3 fte)
15 Nov 2020
2021 ABC Summer School on Musicality
15 Nov 2020
The quest for musicality
18 Oct 2020
Interested in doing a literature or master thesis at MCG?
16 Sep 2020
Interested in doing a PhD on a topic related to Music Cognition?
24 Jan 2020


Interested in a research masters course on musicality?
16 Dec 2019
What makes us musical animals? Recording of ISMIR 2019 Keynote
15 Nov 2019
Buchpremiere in Berlin
22 Oct 2019
Sind Tiere musikalisch? Finden Sie es heraus! Nächste Woche in Ihrer Buchhandlung. [German]
10 Oct 2019
ABC Lecture Robert J. Zatorre: Why do we love music?
27 Sep 2019
Henkjan Honing geïnstalleerd als lid van de KNAW [Dutch]
18 Sep 2019
Lorentz Workshop on Synchrony and Rhythmic Interaction: from 29 Jul 2019 through 2 Aug 2019
28 Jul 2019
This cockatoo thinks he can dance...
18 Jul 2019
Now translated: The Evolving Animal Orchestra. In Search of What Makes Us Musical.
26 Jun 2019
MCG searches for an enthusiastic and well-organized student assistant / P.A.
5 Jun 2019
23 May 2019, Promotie van Carlos Vaquero Patricio in Agnietenkapel
23 May 2019
Master Class on Musicality and Genomics : Call for Abstracts (Deadline: April 15, 2019)
25 Mar 2019
What Makes Music Special to Us?
18 Mar 2019
Searching for talented women for 6 tenure track positions at the UvA Faculty of Science
20 Jan 2019
Interested in doing a PhD on a topic related to Music Cognition?
20 Jan 2019
Preliminary Announcement: Lorentz Workshop on Synchrony and Rhythmic Interaction.
4 Jan 2019


Preliminary Announcement: KNAW Colloquium and Master Class on Musicality and Genomics
14 Dec 2018
Book Review of The Origins of Musicality
12 Dec 2018
Media aandacht n.a.v. verschijnen 'Aap Slaat Maat' [Dutch]
19 Aug 2018
Interested in doing a Master in Amsterdam?
22 Feb 2018
The Origins of Musicality. Expected to be out in April 2018 at The MIT Press.
22 Feb 2018
Research opportunities at the Music Cognition Group (MCG)
19 Feb 2018
Interviews en drie-sterren recensie theatercollege [Dutch]
16 Jan 2018
Overzicht publiekslezingen 2018 [Dutch]
8 Jan 2018


Is muziek een wonder? [Dutch]
9 Dec 2017
U Night | Music Cognition Live Booth & Silent Disco [Dutch]
20 Nov 2017
SMART Workshop on The Musical Phenotype | Call for participation
13 Oct 2017
The Origins of Musicality | Expected to be out in April 2018
25 Sep 2017
Wat muzikale dieren ons kunnen leren [Dutch]
28 Aug 2017
Muziektherapie werkt, maar waarom? [Dutch]
11 Aug 2017
"Nothing affects our brains in such diverse and profound ways as music."
31 Jul 2017
Interested to become a PA at MCG?
18 Jul 2017
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies on Music, Language and Cognition
24 Jun 2017
Muziek weer terug op school? [Dutch]
27 May 2017
Courses on Music Cognition in 2017/18 at the University of Amsterdam
24 May 2017
Want to know how music works?
24 May 2017
NewScientist: Muziek is te lang als luxe gezien [Dutch]
5 Apr 2017


Interested in becoming a PA @ MCG (0.2 fte for 1 year)?
8 Dec 2016
Announcing NeuroMus VI, including a symposium On the biological basis of musicality
7 Dec 2016
Collegereeks The Next Big Thing [Dutch]
27 Nov 2016
'The Art of Listening': round table discussion moderated by Michel Khalifa
19 Nov 2016
„Was Musik kann“ -– 23 November 2016 at the Barenboim-Said-Akademie in Berlin
19 Nov 2016
Podcast on what makes us musical animals
19 Nov 2016
Nieuwste editie van Blind gaat over muziek en muzikaliteit [Dutch]
23 Jun 2016
Fleur Bouwer: iedereen heeft een goed ritmegevoel [Dutch]
11 Jun 2016
In celebration of the defense of Fleur Bouwer: a workshop on Beat, rhythm, and timing in music!
29 May 2016
Ashley Burgoyne over het Songfestival [Dutch]
6 May 2016
Interested in a PhD position at the University of Amsterdam?
22 Apr 2016
Disentangling beat perception from sequential learning
14 Mar 2016
Ashley Burgoyne on Computational Musicology
5 Mar 2016
'Muzikaliteit gaat aan muziek én taal vooraf' [Dutch]
11 Feb 2016
Dies Speech on Musicality during UvA's Dies Natalis
10 Jan 2016


Muzikaliteit gaat aan muziek én taal vooraf [Dutch]
8 Nov 2015
Overzicht publiekslezingen voorjaar 2016 [Dutch]
8 Nov 2015
Is muziek niet meer dan kunst alleen? [Dutch]
23 Oct 2015
Muziek als medicijn? [Dutch]
15 Sep 2015
Online game reviewed in the New York Times
31 Aug 2015
Interested to become a PA at MCG?
3 Aug 2015
RPPW15 at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam
9 Jul 2015
Is muziek meer dan kunst alleen? [Dutch]
9 Jun 2015
Muziek niet langer op tweede plan [Dutch]
22 May 2015
Call for Papers: Reseach Topic in Rhythm Cognition
6 May 2015
Creative Mind Prize 2015 | Deadline extended to 1 May 2015
18 Apr 2015
Interested in doing a PhD at the UvA?
18 Apr 2015
15th RPPW will be in Amsterdam!
10 Apr 2015
In search of the origins of musicality
2 Feb 2015
Without it no music?
30 Jan 2015
Workshop on music cognition by Fleur Bouwer & John Ashley Burgoyne
27 Jan 2015
Feel like Doing a Master in Music Studies in Historic Amsterdam?
22 Jan 2015
Hooked on Music: therapy for Alzheimer's disease?
22 Jan 2015


Van 1 tot 5 december, elke dag, een college over muziek en muzikaliteit [Dutch]
2 Dec 2014
MCG showcase in LERU brochure on interdisciplinary research
30 Nov 2014
Worldwide interest in the first results of Hooked on Music
6 Nov 2014
Gaan we kinderen weer horen zingen in de klas? [Dutch]
3 Nov 2014
'Scientists discover catchiest song of all time'
2 Nov 2014
Interview bij 'Folia maakt kennis' [Dutch]
30 Oct 2014
Recognize songs from the 50s, 60s or later: Can you do better?
11 Oct 2014
Thema week 'Verbeter je brein' over muziek en gamen [Dutch]
7 Oct 2014
SMART Cognitive Science Programme Fall/Winter 2014/2015 is out
1 Oct 2014
Nacht van de Klassieke Muziek [Dutch]
28 Sep 2014
College muziekcognitie: Tv opnames voor Universiteit van Nederland [Dutch]
20 Sep 2014
HookedonMusic website attracted over 15k players
6 Sep 2014
Al spelend wetenschap bedrijven - Lezing tijdens Facultaire Opening Academisch Jaar 2014/15 [Dutch]
20 Aug 2014
Do Chimpanzees Like Music?
12 Jul 2014
Wat apen in muziek horen blijft de vraag [Dutch]
12 Jul 2014
HookedOnMusic launched in the UK
3 Jul 2014
Can we borrow your ears?
3 Jul 2014
Over WK liedjes, (in)haken en meer... [Dutch]
15 May 2014
Can we borrow your ears?
12 May 2014
‘De perfecte mate van onvoorspelbaarheid van het ritme’ [Dutch]
30 Apr 2014
'Wetenschap ontdekt de groove' [Dutch]
18 Apr 2014
Photo impressions of Lorentz workshop on Musicality
18 Apr 2014
Workshop on Cognition, Biology and Origins of Musicality
11 Apr 2014
What Makes Us Musical Animals?
4 Apr 2014
Dubbelinterview in De Psycholoog [Dutch]
4 Apr 2014
Interview door Govert Schilling [Dutch]
2 Apr 2014
'Sin eso no hay música' [Spanish]
1 Apr 2014
Muziek is geen luxe... maar wat dan wel? [Dutch]
15 Mar 2014
Apen hebben geen maatgevoel [Dutch]
1 Feb 2014
Zijn de vocalisaties van orka's een taal? [Dutch]
18 Jan 2014
Differences in rhythmic cognition between human and non-human primates
15 Jan 2014
'En van je hela, hola, houd er de moed maar in'; Interview in NRC Next [Dutch]
4 Jan 2014
Waarom zijn mensen muzikaal? [Dutch]
3 Jan 2014


Rhythm cognition in humans vs monkeys explained?
29 Dec 2013
Creative Mind Prize 2014 - Deadline Extended
24 Dec 2013
Zorgen muzieklessen voor betere Cito-score? [Dutch]
24 Dec 2013
Game ‘Hooked!’ ontdekt geheim populaire liedjes [Dutch]
13 Dec 2013
Do you know this song? Participate In A Citizen-Science Name-That-Tune Game!
13 Dec 2013
Henkjan Honing nieuw lid van de KHMW
30 Nov 2013
Fleur Bouwer beantwoordt de Kettingvraag in Hoe?Zo! Radio [Dutch]
6 Nov 2013
Can we borrow your ears? Participate in online rhythm experiment
6 Nov 2013
Ashley Burgoyne on the launch of #Hooked, a large scale citizen science experiment
23 Oct 2013
#Hooked: What makes music catchy?
20 Oct 2013
#Hooked : Help scientists unlock what makes music catchy
27 Sep 2013
Presentation by MSc Brain & Cognition student David Mejía on Meter Perception
23 Sep 2013
MCG started the Academic Year at Silodam!
9 Sep 2013
Fleur Bouwer spreekt in de Nacht van Kunst & Kennis
28 Aug 2013
New Music Cognition Courses in 2013/14
17 Aug 2013
29 & 30 August 2013: Managing Your Talents Conference
17 Aug 2013
MCG presents at SMPC 2013 in Toronto, CA
1 Aug 2013
Out Now: Language, Music, and the Brain: A Mysterious Relationship
20 Jun 2013
Symposium on Logic, Music and Quantum Information
11 Jun 2013
Interested to become a PA at MCG?
11 Jun 2013
Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship Award Ceremony at NIAS
1 Jun 2013
Ig Nobel Battle in Leiden
21 May 2013
CSCA Lecture by professor Hugo Merchant on rhythmic entrainment in monkeys
15 May 2013
Interested in doing a PhD at the UvA?
10 May 2013
Food for Thought: Zijn wij muzikale apen? [Dutch]
4 May 2013
Two Assistant Professors in the fields of historical, cognitive or cultural musicology
9 Apr 2013
CSCA Lecture by professor Larry Parsons on the Neurobiological Basis of Musical Skills and Dancing
3 Apr 2013
SMART Lecture by dr Lauren Stewart on Congenital Amusia
3 Apr 2013
Interview met promovendus Fleur Bouwer [Dutch]
20 Mar 2013
Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship Prize for research on the cognitive and biological origins of music/ality
18 Mar 2013
Paradisolezing: De bouwstenen van muziek en muzikaliteit [Dutch]
23 Jan 2013


New Study: Can rhesus monkeys detect the beat in music?
17 Dec 2012
MCG presenteert op speciaal kinderconcert [Dutch]
15 Nov 2012
Toekomstmanifestatie Muziek telt! in Amersfoort [Dutch]
8 Nov 2012
Postdoc position in Music Cognition and Linguistics (at Leiden University and University of Amsterdam)
22 Oct 2012
PhD position in Music Cognition (at Leiden University and University of Amsterdam)
22 Oct 2012
QandA-interview in five-parts on music cognition
16 Oct 2012
CSCA Lecture by Eric F. Clarke on Music Perception and Musical Consciousness
15 Oct 2012
Lecture at CONGres 2012: What makes us musical animals?
15 Oct 2012
What is the value of the arts?
2 Oct 2012
MCG presents four times at the 12th ICMPC
16 Sep 2012
Interview in de Volkskrant [Dutch]
16 Sep 2012
MCG gives public lecture in the Glass House in Amsterdam
16 Sep 2012
MCG presents at the 2nd Summer School on Auditory Cognition
17 Jul 2012
UvA scientists receive NWO grant for ‘Knowledge and culture’ research project
12 Jul 2012
What makes us musical animals
6 Jul 2012
MCG zoekt deelnemers voor een nieuw luisterexperiment over ritmeperceptie [Dutch]
5 Jul 2012
Veel aandacht deze zomer voor de oorwurm [Dutch]
27 Jun 2012
Associate Professorship in Cognitive Modelling
14 Jun 2012
Interested in doing a PhD at the UvA?
8 Jun 2012
Hitmuziek steeds treuriger [Dutch]
6 Jun 2012
If music isn’t a luxury, what is it?
3 Jun 2012
Lecture on Core Knowledge Systems, Language, and Music at NIAS, Wassenaar
16 May 2012
To top