
Members and Associates of, and Students with MCG.


Prof. dr Henkjan Honing
Prof. dr Henkjan Honing

Professor in Music Cognition, Principal Investigator

dr John Ashley Burgoyne
dr John Ashley Burgoyne

Assistant Professor in Computational Musicology

dr Makiko Sadakata
dr Makiko Sadakata

Assistant Professor in Cognitive Musicology

dr Christoph Finkensiep
dr Christoph Finkensiep

Assistant Professor in Generative AI in the Arts

dr Bas Cornelissen
dr Bas Cornelissen

Postdoc in NWO-OC Project.

dr Noah Henry
dr Noah Henry

Postdoc in NWO-OC Project.

Marcel Vélez Vásquez, MSc
Marcel Vélez Vásquez, MSc

PhD in NWA Project. Promotors prof. dr H. Honing, dr W. Zuidema and dr J. A. Burgoyne.

Jiaxin Li, MA
Jiaxin Li, MA

PhD in NWO-OC Project; promotors prof. dr H. Honing, Prof. dr K. R. L. Janmaat, and dr J. A. Burgoyne.

Xuan Huang, MA
Xuan Huang, MA

PhD student at ILLC; CSC Scholarship

Noah Jaffe
Noah Jaffe

PhD candidate LMC. Promotors prof. dr J. Kursell and dr J. A. Burgoyne.

dr Berit Janssen
dr Berit Janssen

Exchange engineer; AML

Mariëlle Baelemans, MSc/MA
Mariëlle Baelemans, MSc/MA

PA to prof. dr H. Honing


MCGs Mascotte


prof. dr Sandra Trehub †
Collaborating professor, University of Toronto Mississauga, CA
prof. dr Carel ten Cate
Collaborating professor, Leiden University, Leiden, NL
prof. dr Karline R.L. Janmaat
Collaborating professor, University of Amsterdam, NL
prof. dr Hugo Merchant
Collaborating professor, UNAM, Querétaro, MX
prof. dr Simon E. Fisher
Collaborating professor, Max Planck Psycholinguistics, NL
prof. dr Isabelle Peretz
Collaborating professor, BRAMS, Montréal, CA
prof. dr Sonja A. Kotz
Collaborating professor, NP&PP, Maastricht, NL
prof. dr Caroline Palmer
Collaborating professor, BRAMS, Montréal, CA
prof. dr Glenn Schellenberg
Visiting professor January-April 2006/July-August 2007, University of Toronto Mississauga, CA
prof. dr István Winkler
Collaborating professor, MTAPI, Budapest, H
prof. dr Laurel Trainor
Collaborating professor, Hamilton, Ontario, CA
prof. dr Jessica Grahn
Collaborating professor, Western University, London, CA
dr Willem Zuidema
Associate Professor, ILLC, Amsterdam, NL
dr Fleur Bouwer
Collaborating Researcher | Leiden University, NL
dr Michelle Spierings
Collaborating Researcher | Leiden University, NL
dr Yuko Hattori
Collaborating Researcher | EHUB, Kyoto University, J
dr Chris Martin
Collaborating Researcher | Indiana, US
dr Gábor Háden
Collaborating researcher, MTAPI, Budapest, H
dr Vincent Lostanlen
Collaborating researcher, CNRS, Nantes, F
dr David J. Baker
Collaborating researcher | MusicGens
dr Andrea Ravignani
Associate Researcher | UvA-IAS fellowship
dr Bastiaan van der Weij
Associate Researcher, Amsterdam, NL
dr Kelsey Onderdijk
Associate Researcher, NL
Han Han
Associate Researcher, Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique, Nantes, F
Chirag Chittar
Associate Researcher, Zurich University, S

Former Members

dr Albertas Janulevicius (2022–25)
Back-end engineer; PDI-SSH MUSCLE project
Drikus Roor, MA (2023–25)
Front-end engineer; PDI-SSH MUSCLE project
Evert Rot (2022–25)
Webdeveloper; AML
dr Zhi-Yuan Ning (2018–24)
PhD student / Collaborating Researcher
dr Dave Baker (2021–24)
Postdoc / Collaborating Researcher
dr Atser Damsma (2021–23)
Postdoc / Collaborating Researcher
dr Fleur Bouwer (2011–23)
PhD student / Postdoc / Collaborating Researcher
dr Fabian Moss (2021–22)
Research Fellow in Cultural Analytics; FGw Associate until November 2022
Zwanet Young, BSc (2022)
Student Assistant, KNAW WTC project
Jasmin Pfeifer, MA (2014–22)
PhD student at ACLC with Prof. P. Boersma; prof. dr H. Honing, co-promotor
Anna Hiemstra (2019–20)
Student Assistant and PA
dr Carlos Vaquero (2012–19)
PhD student in Cognitive modelling, part of the Brain & Cognition Research Priority Area
Sophie van Weeren (2017–19)
Student Assistant and PA
Artur C. Jaschke, PhD (2014–19)
PhD student with prof. dr E. Scherder; prof. dr H. Honing, co-promotor
Joey L. Weidema, MA
PhD student in NWO-Horizon Project
dr M. Paula Roncaglia-Denissen (2013–17)
dr Ben G. Schultz (2017–19)
Currently elsewhere
dr Gábor Háden (2011–13)
Currently at MTAPI, Budapest, H
dr Olivia Ladinig (2005–09)
Currently freelance activist
dr Leigh M. Smith (2005–09)
Currently in New York at iZotope Research
dr Renee Timmers
Currently at Sheffield University, UK
Themistoklis Karvavellas, MSc (2014–15)
Embedded Researcher with J. Ashley Burgoyne
dr Hank Heijink (1997–02)
Currently Staff Software Engineer at Slack
dr Titia van Zuijen (2011)
Advisor/Senior Research Assistant, Pedagogiek, UvA - Summer 2011
Sandra Wallner (2009–10)
Student Assistant, Musicology
Merwin Olthof (2013–14)
Student Assistant and PA for MCG
Carola Werner (2015–16)
PA for MCG
Iza Korsmit (2016–17)
PA for MCG
Jeannette van Ditzhuijzen (2017–18)
PA for MCG










Eline Bekkers
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA
Ilana Harris
Bachelor Harvard University
Anouk Knapen
MSc Biomedical Sciences, UvA
Bob Oudejans
MSc Biomedical Sciences, UvA
Johan Tangerman
Master Musicology, UvA



Laura Dijkhoff
MSc Psychology, UvA
Tom Wolfs
MA Musicology
Jeroen van der Aa
MSc Neuroscience, RuG


David Lopez
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA
Merwin Olthof
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA
Sandra Wallner
rMA Musicology, UvA
Tom Wolfs
Student Assistant, Musicology,


Tom Aizenberg
MSc Artificial Intelligence, UvA
Loes Bazen
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA
Koen Knip
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA
Yoren Schriever
MSc Neuroscience & Cognition, UU
Tom Wolfs
BA Musicology, UvA


Anne Maren Krüse
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA


Vivienne Aerts
MSc Psychology, UL
Shane Burmania
MA Musicology, UvA


MSc Computer Science, UU
MSc Computer Science, UPF

Group pictures

Music Cognition Group and Associates in November 2024
Music Cognition Group and Associates in November 2024.

Music Cognition Group and Associates in November 2024. Rear, left to right | Mariëlle Baelemans, Noah Henry, Henkjan Honing, Makiko Sadakata, Atser Damsma; Front, left to right | Christoph Finkensiep, Drikus Roor, Jiaxin Li, Evert Rot, J. Ashley Burgoyne and Berit Janssen. Not in the picture | Marcel Vélez Vásquez, Xuan Huang, Noah Jaffe, Albertas Janulevicius, Bas Cornelissen, Fleur Bouwer, and Apie.

Music Cognition Group and Associates in December 2023
Music Cognition Group and Associates in December 2023.

Left to right: Mariëlle Baelemans, Drikus Roor, Marcel Vélez Vásquez, J. Ashley Burgoyne, Evert Rot, Jiaxin Li, Albertas Janulevicius, Berit Janssen, Henkjan Honing, Makiko Sadakata, Atser Damsma, Christoph Finkensiep, Xuan Huang en Bas Cornelissen. On screen: Jonathan Gerbscheid, Dave J. Baker.

Music Cognition Group and Associates in November 2022
Music Cognition Group and Associates in November 2022.

Left to right: Sydney Schelvis, Marcel Vélez Vásquez, David J. Baker, Evert Rot, Karline Janmaat, Henkjan Honing (with MCGs mascotte Apie), Mariëlle Baelemans, J. Ashley Burgoyne, Atser Damsma, Jiaxin Li (yellow jacket), Albertas Janulevicius (front), Zwanet Young, Fleur L. Bouwer (in the back), Berit Jansen, Xuan Huang, Marianne de Heer Kloots (front), Iza Korsmit (back), Zhi-Yuan Ning en Bas Cornelissen. Not on the photo: Makiko Sadakata.

Music Cognition Group and Associates in March 2022
Music Cognition Group and Associates in March 2022.

Top row, left to right: Henkjan Honing, Mariëlle Baelemans, Atser Damsma, J. Ashley Burgoyne, Jiaxin Li. Next row: Fleur L. Bouwer, Marianne de Heer Kloots, Evert Rot, Bas Cornelissen. Next row: Makiko Sadakata, Xuan Huang, Zwanet Young, Fabian Moss, Dave J. Baker. Front row: Zhi-Yuan Ning, Berit Janssen.

Music Cognition Group and Associates in October 2021
Music Cognition Group and Associates in October 2021.

Back, left to right: Zhi-Yuan Ning, Mariëlle Baelemans, Marianne de Heer Kloots, Bas Cornelissen, Atser Damsma, Makiko Sadakata, Ada Örken, and Xuan Huang. Front: Berit Janssen, Fleur Bouwer, J. Ashley Burgoyne, and Henkjan Honing.

Music Cognition Group in October 2017
Music Cognition Group in October 2017.

Back, left to right: Carlos Vaquero, Joey Weidema, Ben Schultz, Makiko Sadakata, and Bastiaan van der Weij. Front: Fleur Bouwer, Berit Janssen, J. Ashley Burgoyne, Heidi Järvikylä, Sophie van Weeren, and Henkjan Honing.

Music Cognition Group in September 2016
Music Cognition Group in September 2016.

Back, left to right: Carlos Vaquero, Nelson Mooren, Ashley Burgoyne, Bastiaan van der Weij, Iza Korsmit, Joey Weidema. Front: Makiko Sadakata, Henkjan Honing, Tom Hendriks, Myrthe Knetemann. (N.B. Paula Roncaglia-Denissen, Fleur Bouwer, Berit Janssen, Arthur Jaschke and Jasmin Pfeifer are not in the picture.)

Music Cognition Group in June 2015
Music Cognition Group in June 2015.

Back, left to right: Gisela Govaart, Berit Janssen, Paula Roncaglia-Denissen, Joey Weidema, Bastiaan van der Weij, Carola Werner, and Henkjan Honing; Front: Ashley Burgoyne, Makiko Sadakata, Myrthe Knetemann, Carlos Vaquero (not in picture), and Fleur Bouwer. (N.B. In the background the mirror project from 1987: six computer-transformed contours of a baroque mirror.)

Music Cognition Group at a 2013 Late Summer Outing
Music Cognition Group at a 2013 Late Summer Outing.

Back, from left to right: Paula Roncaglia-Denissen, Gábor Háden, Joey Weidema, Fleur Bouwer, Henkjan Honing, Makiko Sadakata (not on picture), Carlos Vaquero. Front: J. Ashley Burgoyne, Bastiaan van der Weij, Merwin Olthof, Berit Janssen.

Music Cognition Group and some of their associates at a 2012 Summer Outing
Music Cognition Group and some of their associates at a 2012 Summer Outing.

Photo courtesy of Daan Odijk. From left to right: Aline Honingh, Henkjan Honing, Peter van Kranenburg, Fleur Bouwer, Berit Janssen, Bruno Rocha, J. Ashley Burgoyne, Gábor Háden.

Music Cognition Group, Autumn 2006
Music Cognition Group, Autumn 2006.

From left to right: Henkjan Honing, Olivia Ladinig, Leigh M. Smith, W. Bas de Haas. Photograph by Marian Counihan (ILLC).

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