Ashley Burgoyne

Assistant Professor in Computational Musicology

John Ashley Burgoyne is the Lecturer in Computational Musicology at the University of Amsterdam and a researcher in the Music Cognition Group at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation. Cross-appointed in Musicology and Artificial Intelligence, he is interested in understanding musical behaviour at the audio level, using large-scale experiments and audio corpora. His McGill–Billboard corpus of time-aligned chord and structure transcriptions has served as a backbone for audio chord estimation techniques. His ‘Hooked-on Music’ project reached hundreds of thousands of participants in almost every country on Earth while collecting data to understand long-term musical memory. Currently, he is working through the Amsterdam Music Lab to understand what people are hearing – and what they are ignoring – while they stream music every day.

Latest publications

Corcoran, K., du Mérac, T. R., Johnson, F., Burgoyne, J. A., Honing, H., Ruderfer, D. M., Lense, M., & Gordon, R. L. (2024). Linking a musical memory gamified task to large-scale health data via electronic health records: A feasibility study in a clinic waiting room.
Huang, X., Burgoyne, J. A., & Honing, H. (2023). What makes Chinese music memorable to the Chinese? The relationship between familiarity and recognition.

Media attention

Maakt Joost Klein kans op Songfestivalwinst? ‘De top 10 moet lukken’Folia
En wéér staat Bohemian Rhapsody op 1, maar waarom eigenlijk?De Volkskrant
Kunnen we de ‘lijst der lijsten’ wetenschappelijk verklaren?De Volkskrant
De magie van 25x Top 2000NPO3
De Nacht van NTR over AI-muziek en het AI SongfestivalDe Nacht van
Kan AI de winnaar van het Songfestival voorspellen?NPO1
What makes music catchy?University of the Netherlands
Ashley Burgoyne on the science and mystery of listeningILLC Blog
Ashley Burgoyne en Janne Spijkervet over VPRO's AI SongfestivalNPO Radio 1


Computational Musicology
BA Musicology6 ECTSCode: 115215146Y
Tweedejaarsproject BSc KI
BSc Kunstmatige Intelligentie5 ECTSCode: 5082TWBK5Y


Kate Schwarz
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA2024
Ivan Bobrov
MSc Computational Science, UvA2021
Ada Örken
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA2021
Lisa Veenstra
MA Music Studies2020
Henk Jacobs
MA Music Studies2020
Lars Mangel
MA Music Studies2020
MSc Artificial Intelligence2020
Leanne Kuiper
MSc Brain and Cognitive Sciences2020
Ada Örken
MSc Brain and Cognitive Sciences2020
Kostas Giannos
MA Music Studies, UvA2019
MA Music Studies2019
Sem Dekkers
MA Musicology, UvA2018
Lucija Fric
MA Musicology, UvA + VU2018
Joy Huiskens
MA Musicology, UvA2018
Tiarma Witte
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA2017
Iza Korsmit
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA2016
Nelson Mooren
MSc Brain & Cognitive Sciences, UvA2016
Oisín Ó Cualáin
Master Musicology, UvA2016
Albertine Holterman
Master Musicology, UvA2016
Lisanne Bogaard
Master Clinical Psychology, VU2016
Jurre Thuis
MA Musicology, UvA2015
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