Date: Thursday 20 june 2019 and
Friday 21 June 2019.
Thursday 20th June (Colloquium Day 1)
09:30 Introduction (Honing/Fisher)
Topic 1: Phenotypes of musicality, and how to measure them
Chair/Moderator: Bruno Gingras
09:50 Ani Patel - Phenotyping musicality for genetic studies: a cognitive
neuroscience perspective
10:20 Daniel Müllensiefen - The cognitive psychometrics of music and the
development of musical abilities
10:50 [BREAK]
11:10 Patrick Savage - Cross-cultural perspectives on nature and nurture
in human music
11:40 Samuel Mehr - Psychology of music in genomic imprinting disorders
12:10 Discussion [Focus: What is the most promising means of carving
musicality into components? How can these constituent components
be effectively probed in humans?]
13:00 [LUNCH]
Topic 2: Genetic approaches for studying human variation
Chair/Moderator: Simon Fisher
14:00 Miriam Mosing - Utilizing twin data to test music-related theories
14:30 Dorret Boomsma - Genetic approaches for studying human
15:00 Beate St Pourcain - New approaches to understand genetic and
residual relatedness among complex phenotypes
15:30 [BREAK]
15:50 Isabelle Peretz - The extraordinary genetic variations of musical
16:20 Discussion [Focus: How can studies of interindividual variation yield
insights into the genetic architecture underlying human musicality?
What are the strengths & limitations of diverse approaches, from
focused analyses of extreme traits through to large-scale investigations
of epidemiological cohorts?]
19:00 [DINNER]
Friday 21st June (Colloquium Day 2)
Topic 3: Uncovering biological connections between musicality and
other traits
Chair/Moderator: Reyna Gordon
09:30 Lea Davis - The genetic contribution to the human capacity for
10:00 Irma Järvelä - Genomics approaches for studying musical aptitude
and related traits
10:30 Sonja Kotz - Genetic determinants of timing and auditory sensitivity
11:00 [BREAK]
11:20 Frederik Ullén - The genetic architecture of associations between
musical training, musical aptitude and psychological traits
11:50 Discussion [Focus: What will pleiotropy with other traits tell us about
the evolutionary origins of musicality? If discovered, how can we put to
use new knowledge generated from genomic studies regarding shared
genetic architecture for musicality, health, and the brain?]
12:40 [LUNCH]
Topic 4: Towards an international consortium integrating
musicality & genomics
Chair/Moderator: Henkjan Honing
13:40 Bruno Gingras - Assessing the musicality phenotype: Current trends
and outlook
14:10 Reyna Gordon - Towards the genomic basis of rhythm: Building
blocks of a research program
14:40 Simon Fisher - Musicality and the shifting landscape of 21st century
15:10 [BREAK]
15:30 Henkjan Honing - Prospects, pitfalls, and plans
16:00 Final Discussion [Focus: Could coordinated activities of leading experts
across the world offer substantive new opportunities for uncovering
the biological bases of musicality? What are the most effective ways for
establishing an international consortium; what should be the
overarching goals & major points of focus? What are the prospects &
pitfalls of such an endeavor?]
17:00 [CLOSE]
Deciphering the biology of human musicality through state-of-the-art genomics
KNAW Colloquium on Musicality and Genomics
20/21 June 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
N.B. Attendance to the colloquium is by invitation only; See KNAW website.