Friday 21 June 2019
09:00 - 17:00 Lectures & Discussion organised around 4 topics
For details see here.
Thursday 20 June 2019
09:00 - 17:00 Lectures & Discussion organised around 4 topics
17:30 - 21:00 Reception and Diner
For details see here.
This Academy Colloquium on Musicality and Genomics will bring together leading experts from neurobiology, cognitive psychology, music cognition and genetics to discuss (Day 1: 20 June 2019) the phenotypes of musicality, how to measure them, and genetic techniques for studying human variation, and (Day 2: 21 June 2019) the possibilities for combining musicality indices with the latest genomic methods, genetic pleiotropy between traits, and the instalment of an international consortium on the biological bases of musicality.
Preceding the international Academy Colloquium a Master Class (19 June 2019) for young researchers, PhD-students and research master students in music cognition, genetics and related fields is organised.
N.B. Attendance to the colloquium is by invitation only, attendence to the Master Class is on the basis of registration [Now closed]; See KNAW website.
Deciphering the biology of human musicality through state-of-the-art genomics
KNAW Colloquium and Master Class on Musicality and Genomics
19-20-21 June 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.