2025 Fellowships
The Musicality Genomics Consortium (MusicGens) anticipates providing a limited number of fellowships in the amount of $1,500 to offset the cost of travel and lodging to attend the 2025 Barcelona meeting (pending funding availability). These fellowships are intended to support early career researchers who are from the Global South, or are working with diverse ancestries, or are underrepresented in musicality & genetics research, and who plan to be committed to the future and ongoing work of the consortium. To be considered for a fellowship, please email musicalitygenomicsconsortium@gmail.com (putting “[Fellowship]” in the subject header).
Please include a brief statement describing, from your perspective, your positioning within the Global South or as an under-represented member in this research, and/or your work with diverse ancestries, why attending the consortium would be beneficial to your continued work, and what you hope to contribute to the shared gathering.
N.B. Requests will be considered on a rolling basis, and applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
2023 Fellowships
Fellowship 1: Shweta Ramdas (Assistant Professor at the Centre for Brain Research, Bengaluru India)
Fellowship 2: Mbalenhle Siwelile Mthembu (student Human Genetics, Cape Town, South Africa)
Honorable Mention: Juan Francisco Solis (student Neural Science, University of Valparaiso, Chili, South America)
For information on the sponsors see here.