Scientific Goals
- Promote research on the genetics, genomics and phenomics of musicality
- Promote coordinated meta-analyses, using harmonized phenotypes across existing datasets
- Promote large-scale GWAS meta-analysis of existing phenotype-genotype data on musicality
- Identify existing cohorts that contain music/ality and/or genetic data, and promote the sharing of this information collaboratively among research groups
- Actively engage teams of researchers working in the field of genomics/human genetics/complex trait genetics to include musicality phenotypes, aiming to deploy musicality phenotyping in ongoing epidemiological/genetic studies
Core Functions and Strategies
Primary strategy: Develop diverse network of researchers to collaborate on research topics prioritizing genomics of musicality, with a particular focus on projects that would not be possible without large-scale collaboration.
- Prioritize manageable deliverables, recognizing ‘low-hanging fruit’, and being pragmatic (N.B. For complex trait GWAS, we don’t need perfect phenotypes)
- Develop strategies on how to harmonize existing measures of musicality phenotypes
- Develop scalable and robust phenotypes that are effective for large and diverse cohorts (i.e. to detect the modest gene effect sizes).
- Define common terminology
- Pitch (ie. promote) musicality phenotyping to ongoing large-scale epi/health studies using a Menu of Phenotyping options in order to customize a study’s scientific goals, needs and constraints (Aim for flexibility!)
- Develop and implement guidelines for ethically and socially responsible conduct of musicality genetics research;
- Utilize robust methods; prioritize replication; guard against known methodological flaws and biases
- Convene regular meetings.
N.B. Intent to actively participate in one (or more) working groups is a requirement for attending the meetings and joining the consortium.