MusicGens 2023, Nijmegen, NL
Local organising committee / Logistics (MPI):
• Giacomo Bignardi
• Lucía de Hoyos
• Martina Bernhard
• Paulina Grzenia
Note: All registred members have received a 15+ page Participation Package with all the details. A copy can be found on Slack.
Thursday, 7 September 2023 (10:00-22:00)
Location: Hotel Holthurnsche Hof Nijmegen
10:00 Reception and registration
11:00 General introduction Steering Cie
11:30 Self-introductions
12:00 Joint session: Update from Ethics WG
12:30 Group Lunch (hotel)
13:30 Update from Meta-analysis/Phenotypes WG
14:15 Update from Meta-analysis/Phenotypes WG
15:00 Afternoon Tea/Coffee + snacks
16:00 Working groups in breakout rooms
19:00 Dinner
20:30 Poster session
Friday, 8 September 2023 (9:45-20:00)
Location: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics & Hoge Veluwe National Park
09:20 Meet at hotel lobby to take the bus
10:00 Tour of MPI
11:00 Keynote talk: Adam Rutherford (room 163)
12:30 Group Lunch (MPI)
13:20 Take bus to Hoge Veluwe
14:30 Activity Veluwe
17:20 Take bus to Bistro Bar Berlin
18:30 Group Dinner at Bistro Bar Berlin
21:20 Take bus to Hotel
Saturday, 9 September 2023 (10:00-17:00)
Location: Hotel Holthurnsche Hof Nijmegen
10:00 Panel discussion (Adam Rutherford, Hillary Coon & Abdel Abdellaoui)
11:00 Morning Tea/Coffee + snacks
11:30 Panel discussion Q&A
12:30 Group Lunch (hotel)
13:30 Joint session: Phenotypes WG reports on progress/plans
14:00 Joint session: Ethics WG reports on progress/plans
14:30 Joint session: Meta Analysis WG reports on progress/plans
15:00 Closing remarks
17:00 Official closure