
The 2024 MusicGens in-person meeting will take place once more in the beautiful Trento, Italy, conveniently located near local transport.


A block of sleeping rooms at NH Hotel Trento has been set aside for the meeting at the rate of 129 Euros per night (includes tax and breakfast), 3 through 7 September inclusive,  and can be booked before 20 July 2024 by going to this link.


Possible airports - Milan, Munich, Rome, Verona, Bologna, or Innsbruck; then travel by train to Trento. It is also possible to travel by train the entire way (especially from Germany etc.) Reyna knows region well and is more than happy to help with travel questions. Contact Kelly Corcoran if you need assistance with visa documentation.

Conference registration

All attendees are required to pay a one-time conference registration fee of $205 via EventBrite. Note that hotel accommodations, and any travel expenses to attend the conference, are not included in this registration fee. The registration fee must be paid by 20 July 2024 and is non-refundable.

MusicGens Meeting

4-6 September 2024, Trento, Italy
